The #PoliceFreeCampus Podcast engages organizers, practitioners, and scholars in discussing the challenges and possibilities for colleges and universities without the police. This public scholarship program builds on the Campus Abolition Research Lab’s ongoing research focus on campus policing (i.e., #PoliceFreeCampus Project)
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Can Colleges Reform Their Police Departments? →

A new model policy for “racially just policing,” written by the ACLU of Massachusetts and Bridgewater State University, and published on Tuesday, was designed to prevent episodes like that, which have occurred again and again. They can traumatize the victims and make students and employees of color feel as if they don’t belong on predominantly white college campuses.
Read MoreOpinions Still Split on Police Academies at HBCUs →

Last month, Lincoln University of Missouri’s interim president Dr. John Moseley, stood on stage in front of the nine members of the first graduating class of Lincoln’s law enforcement training academy—the first police academy to exist on the grounds of an historically Black college or university (HCBU). Dr. Charlies H.F. Davis III, an assistant professor of higher education at the University of Michigan and an expert on campus protests, worried that because Black and brown officers are statistically less likely to use force, they are being recruited as a “band aid” to a much bigger problem.
Read MoreDavis Featured on Student Affairs NOW Podcast →

Dr. Heather Shea discusses how campuses and racial justice activists are grappling with issues of campus policing with four panelists who sit at various vantage points–scholars, activists, students–in the Black Lives Matter movement. Joining the conversation are Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III, Dr. Erin S. Corbett, Jude Paul Dizon, and Jael Kerandi.
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